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Mijn internet is gisteren geactiveerd. Als ik mijn internet probeer te koppelen aan mijn Mijn KPN rekening met het adres, klantnummer en de laatste 3-cijfer van de bankrekening, krijg ik een foutmelding.


My internet has been activated yesterday. When I try to pair my internet to my Mijn KPN account using the address, client number, and the last 3-digit of the bank account, I receive an error message.


Problem solved

Hi @BekirS, welcome to our forum! I'm glad you've solved the issue! If you have any other questions you know where to find us!



I know this is an old post, but I'm facing the same issue.

Can you please mention how it was fixed?




Hi @kronik93, welcome to our forum. This is usually a matter of trying again later because something on our back-end is not ready to link your subscription to your MijnKPN.