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Since changing my phone to the Nokia 4.2 with android 10 I have seen several problems with connectivity:

-I cannot connect to any VPN and I have tried different providers.

-I cannot change my DNS because when I do it simply doesn’t load any websites(i have tried with both google DNS and cloudflare

-When I use tethering with my laptop I cannot connect to the Steam servers.

Could there be a chance that KPN is blocking something in their firewall?


Hi Rafael. As far as I know there were no changes in things like firewalls, and I haven't seen more complaints about this. You’re saying that you’re experiencing this since changing phones. Can you test the sim in another phone? I'm curious if everything works when you change it up again. Because at first glance I'm tempted to say it's something in the Nokia. Don't know what it could be though.

Alright, after contacting the kpn support twice and doing a bit of research I finally solved the problem. It has to do the APN that I am using which was set automatically by the device. This explains why I experienced this problem only with my new device. There are different APNs for KPN which allow/block certain functionalities, I found a list that explains the differences here. To fix the aforementioned problems I chose the and as for the rest of the APN settings I found them here. For those tempted to used advancedinternet instead I would say avoid since there is no firewall whatsoever.  I hope this is going to help others with the same problem!

Alright, after contacting the kpn support twice and doing a bit of research I finally solved the problem. It has to do the APN that I am using which was set automatically by the device. This explains why I experienced this problem only with my new device. There are different APNs for KPN which allow/block certain functionalities, I found a list that explains the differences here. To fix the aforementioned problems I chose the and as for the rest of the APN settings I found them here. For those tempted to used advancedinternet instead I would say avoid since there is no firewall whatsoever.  I hope this is going to help others with the same problem!

Thanks for the reply! 

Check onderstaande post.

Bij mij (Simyo) blijkt het voldoende te zijn om op mijn iPhone als APN ‘advancedinternet’ in te stellen.

Hi RafaelG

Thank you for you post! Since 6 months somehow my VPN connection with my work was blocked when I connected the laptop with my pfone via WIFI and tethering. 

I followed this protocol and changed the APN:

Now the VPN connection on my laptop is not blocked anymore. 

Dus verander alleen je APN naar en klaar is Kees of Lukasz in dit geval. 


Hi RafaelG

Thank you for you post! Since 6 months somehow my VPN connection with my work was blocked when I connected the laptop with my pfone via WIFI and tethering. 

I followed this protocol and changed the APN:

Now the VPN connection on my laptop is not blocked anymore. 

Dus verander alleen je APN naar en klaar is Kees of Lukasz in dit geval. 



Thanks, changing APN to also worked for me to connect to my VPN.