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Hello. I subscribe unlimited calling and using data in mobile. I’m planning to travel to Switzerland for 7 day. Should I pay extra cost if i use data and calling in Switzerland?

Switzerland is not EU, but if i read another comments, I will be able to use it without another cost. I’m confused with this..

Hi @Minji 

It's correct what you're reading as you can see on the KPN website.
Although it's not an EU country the same rates apply.

Tarieven per land

Wat is je bestemming?

Zwitserland: dezelfde tarieven als in Nederland

Jij kunt gewoon blijven internetten, bellen en sms’en uit je huidige abonnement zoals je gewend bent. Je hoeft geen Extra Bundel aan te zetten.

See here:


Google translate:

Switzerland: the same rates as in the Netherlands. You can continue to use the internet, call and text from your current subscription as you are used to. You do not need to activate an Extra Bundle.