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I did not add extra bundle before reaching US. But now my sim has no service to even receive messages or calls. I checked it in other phones as well and it still has no service. I am not able to add extra bundle for US because I’m not able to send SMS to activate it either. How can this be fixed? 

Hello @tkas 


Can you manually select other providers, maybe one of them will work.

If that also is not working then getting an extra bundle is pointless until you have cellular service.

Then also fill in your forum profile so a KPN employee can check if something is wrong in the settings of your subscription or simcard.


@GeSp when I search manually, it shows No Networks found, which is quite strange. I will fill the forum profile, thanks! 

Hi @tkas and welcome to our forum! Apologies for the late reply, it's pretty busy unfortunately. 😥

If you’re still in the US, did you manage to get a connection by now? If you have a WiFi network nearby you can use that in order to activate a bundle through your MijnKPN. I’ve checked the settings for your subscription, and there's no blockage where roaming is concerned, so it should be working. Do you have roaming turned on in your phone settings? Make sure that no apps are using lots of data when you do so, in order to prevent high costs.