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My subscription with another provider is running out so I decided to try with KPN. I reside in the nederlands for some years and i have been previously a customer or KPN (huis, only moved away because kpn had no service in my new address).


I went online to get a new phone + subscription + insurance, and my application was rejected because I dont have a Dutch ID. I went to the shop and I was told to get a BRP from the Utrecht gemeente.


After a few days I got it and went to the shop, and now I am communicated that I cannot also get more than 500 as loan iny subscription (Meaning i still have to pay 70+ off right at the start). I am quite annoyed that all this is:

-First of all, not listed or told anywhere online.

-After paying for a document being told to get it, I still get a different treatment than other residents.

Feels like owning a residence, working and living in the country, being a previous customer, and being an EU citizen, on the eyes of KPN is not enough to trust you with a subscription every other provider offers. 

Is this correct or the employee at the shop was not well informed?


@David Micó Martínez Welcome to our forum. 

For as far as I know there is no difference in the loan between a Dutch citizen or someone with a BRP. 

There is a law about the loan you can get with your mobile phone. Ofcourse we also have to obey this law. 

So this law decides how much the maximum loan can be. 

Dear @Rutger_ ,


then I do not understand, if I check on the website for an iPhone14Pro, I see the following:

This is possible to get with a Dutch ID/Passport, however, if you’re an expat, you need to go to a shop and present a BRP. When I did this, the customer representative made a small calculation, saying that as I’m an expat, I cannot borrow more than 500e, and hence, I should pay over 700e in one go, to a maximum of around 20e per month cost. would you mind clarifying this then?

@David Micó Martínez I am sorry. You are right. 

There is a maximum of 500 euro's on the loan with a BRP. 

I asked my colleages about the reasons. When I have more information about this I will let you know as soon as possible.