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Dear Sir or Madam,

According to your website, you don’t propose eSIM for Pixel 7. Only older generations are mentioned.

Could you please tell me more about it?

Thank you


Hi @Schumii and welcome to our forum! I cannot imagine the eSIM won't be supported for the Pixel 7, as it is already supported for the 6. Things would have to be very strange for it not to be available on the newest model. 😕 Could you tell me where you found this on our website? If you can send me the link and a picture of what you see here, then I'll contact the website developers about it and ask them if the information is accurate. 

Thank you for your answer @Sanne_M 

Here is the link of the page :

Best regards


Thank you! I’ve forwarded it to our website people. 

I also found an earlier topic of someone with a Google Pixel 7 Pro and Esim: 

The Esim part worked, so it should work for the Pixel 7 too! If not, do let me know. 🙂