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I recently made a contract in one of the KPN stores for purchasing the Samsung S22 with a 2-year contract. 

The delivery was scheduled for 11th July and then I received a message that it has been cancelled (no one came to my house and rung the doorbell). 

I rescheduled it for the 12th July - the same thing happened. This time, I received a message that my entire order will be cancelled. 

I went back to the store, where they told me they cannot do anything to help, unless I wait for 2-3 days and come back and make a third order (this is the second failed order I have with KPN). 

What can I do? For some reason the KPN team refuses to make the delivery of my phone even after I have provided all the details and all the necessary information. 



Welcome to the KPN forum @Stefani Bozadzhieva

I don't have any tips to resolve the situation right away. Do other parcels and does mail arrive properly? Is there any reason why someone could not find the doorbell?

We would love to have you as our customer but I don't have any other way to process an order than give the right address unfortunately.