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My order status was showing incorrectly (order number - S4453942). It was showing cancelled in but actually it was completed and I received all the invoices.


So to enquire on this I called to KPN service many times and I could not get any professional behaviour from them.

This unprofessional behavior was experienced for the below two calls I made to customer service

  1. On 16:10, 07 december 2023
  2. On 16:47, 07 december 2023

I have to explain the whole story multiple times and they put my call on Hold to check the status.

I waited and waited for 30 minutes and then without any notification they ended my call.

This is really annoying when you face it two consecutive times in a day.

Still my problem is not resolved. Never expected such behaviour from a firm like KPN.


Krishnanand Kaipamkunnath

Hi @Krishnanand, welcome on our board.

First of all, allow me to state that this is not how we treat our customers. I have no idea who these colleagues were, but I will gladly look in to it. I'll get back to you on thiis. 

Second, how may I help? What is the issue exactly? 

Yes, this is not expected from any customer service executives.

You should be able to find them easily. I had made calls on December 8th 2023 from my mobile number 06******** at 4:10 PM and 4:47 PM.


Problem - I had ordered an Ipone 14 on December 8th and I got the order confirmation email with the invoice details. But when I check the order status in  with the order number S*******, it is showing as cancelled.

There is some sync issue in your system. I called customer care to clarify this and I faced all these problems. I had almost spent 4 hours in last 3 days to clarify it. But no success.


Admin: removed 06-number for privacy

@Alex_P @Kpn , Same thing happend today as well. 11 december 2023. Very poor

@Krishnanand I've missed your reaction, my apologies. Did you get the iPhone? 

If not, let me check this for you. Would you please fill in your profile with your postal code and house number? Let me know when it's done.

Thank you! 


@Alex_P All my orders were cancelled

Thank you for filling this in. I do see 2 cancelled orders in total, one with a Lebara number, and one with a new number. You didn't request a cancellation? 

However, I also reached out to the Credit Risk departement, and that is also no issue. 

So for now, would you please place a new order? And let's start with 1 first. Would you let me know when this is done? I would like to monitor it and what happens. 

Only 1 order was cancelled by me. I dont know who and why the second order cancelled.

I dont want to order new phone since I lost the trust in KPNs service

I'm very sorry to hear this. I do understand though. Let me please apologize for how everything has happened. 

@Alex_P Please let me know the action taken on this complaint.

@Krishnanand, I'm sorry to disappoint you, but I'm also not informed about this due to our employee's privacy.

Rest assured, the matter has been properly addressed.

@Alex_P , if you can not convey the actions taken on my complaint, what is the purpose of having such forums? 

The main purpose of this forum is finding solutions for issues customers might expience. I simply cannot give you private details regarding measures that might have been taken against an employee. Even if I wanted to, I couldn't. I'm also not being informed about this particular case. 

@Alex_P I am not asking any private details. I ask only the action taken on my complaint.

The action taken is that I have sent your complaint to the employee and it's manager responsible for the cancellation. I'm not privy to what steps have been taken.