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Well I am so disappointed,  I was in canada between 25 Oct 2022 till 6 Nov 2022, I let the roming open so I can contact my family, but couldn't send any whatsapp or sms, and still been charged " extra cost" € 60.50.

Thanks Kpn for nothing,  and I am hearing from them that it's up to me to leave roming on or off, Ada I know,  and I did so I will be contented. So just wanted to say I am very disappointed 😞 from KPN.

Hi @Stella mirzaian, welcome. 

I totally understand you are not happy with the costs. But when roaming is open your phone is able to connect with mobile data. Data in Canada is expensive. The 60,50 euro's is the limit by law to protect you for any more costs. 

Hi there,  I know about roaming and how to do on and off, but  whenever I wired yo send a whatsapp or text it didn't go through, and still I have to pay for it.

Whatsapp goes via mobile data. So when you got 60,50 euro sms, mobile data gets blocked. 

But if you got a network your text messages should go through. You don't use iMessage or something?