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Dear friends,


Over the last couple of months my Viber app is not working when I am using mobile data. I cannot send or receive messages and I cannot make or receive calls. On the contrary when I'm on WiFi everything works perfectly. Since 2018 when I subscribed to KPN, I have been using Viber without any problems.

I have already checked the internet settings of my device on a KPN store and even received a new SIM card, but with no luck.

After several back and forth messages with Viber support I finally received this as a reply: "It seems that the features of the Viber application have been blocked by your service provider or by your country.".


Any thoughts??

Thank you

Good morning @Alejandro, it's been afew days since you started this topic. Have you managed to get it working in the meantime?
We're not blocking Viber. Are you using a mobile subscription or prepaid internet? 

Dear Thomas,

Apologies for the late reply. To answer your question, I am using mobile subscription. Unfortunately, the issue remains... The weird thing is I am getting a notification to check my messages on Viber but when I open the app there is nothing new there.. However, as soon as I connect to a wifi spot or change the mobile data to my 2nd SIM card (which is a Greek provider that automatically connects to T-Mobile network), I immediately see the new messages I received on Viber…

So to me, it is weird that I get the notification to check my messages but I can't see the actual messages…

Best regards


that's very peculiar indeed!  I don't really have an explanation for this. Are you maybe using an unlimited bundle on a prepaid subscription? These are capped at 128kb/s and is the only reason I can think of that this might not work. 
Could you also try switching the sim cards with eachother?

Hello! I'm having exactly the same problem since a week or so, and can't seem to get it fixed at all. Would be very interested if in the mean time either of you have found a solution!