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Greetings. I hope you are all well.


I had to replace and modem and now need to add a 2.4 network for basic needs such as the doorbell, etc. Unfortunately, the admin portal seems to be down for an extended period of time ( I called yesterday and was told that there is a known issue. It was suggested that it may take a day . . . or two . . . or three, and that I should check back. It’s still down and vulnerable of missing package deliveries.


If this is the platform that we use to add basic functions like a 2.4 network, can this outage be escalated for accelerated resolution? We shouldn’t have to be inconvenienced for a few day to restore an important basic service. Is there another way to add the 2.4 network?


Thanks for your consideration and support. 

Hi @Scot! Welcome to the forum. In this case “Extra Wifi” would be an ideal solution for you (translated with Google translate here). It is a function that creates a seperate dedicated 2,4GHz or 5,0GHz network.

For this, you will need to log into your modem. About that, there are a few things you can do. 

  • delete your browser cache
  • try a different browser
  • make sure you don't have a VPN active
  • make sure you are using the right Admin Password. 

Let me know here if those options work for you? And if Extra Wifi fixed the issue?

Hi Bram,

Thanks for your consideration. Apparently, there is a known bug in the V12. It might be helpful if internal communications were distributed across KPN since different support agents seem to lack this awareness.

I appreciate all the help and look forward to hearing that it has been resolved (how that may happen is unclear).

Wishing you all the very best,


Hi Scot, I had the same problem yesterday, for me the only thing that worked was connecting my laptop to the modem with a cable

Interesting! Thank you for the feedback! I am thankful you were able to get it resolved. I will check it out…..


Mm. I don’t see how to connect the laptop directly to the modem. My laptop only has USB and Type C, I think. I played around, but nothing worked. I appreciate your feedback, Gelderlander81. 🙏


Mine also only has a usb c connection, but I bought a convertor

Great! Thanks so much again for your support, Gelderlander81 and Bram_


Wishing you all the best in life.