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The page for setting up guest account on my modem is disabled. I can not edit anything. Also the old setup does not show up anymore in available Wifi connections. 



Hello @Nemish 


Is that an Experiabox V10 ?

Do you also have extra WiFi accesspoints like SuperWiFi?

If you do then the WiFi on the V10 is should be (and probably is) switched off, for changing WiFi setting you should log in to 1 of the WiFi AP's, you can find their IP addresses in the V10.


@GeSp thanks.

I need some more help. 

I do have 2 superwifi devices. One is attached to the modem. 

I have to disable the primary WiFi on Modem? How do I do that? 
how can I access the superWiFi points? 

is there a help page where all this is explained?

Hi @Nemish 


There is a help page for setup and login in to them:


If the WiFi light is off on the V10 then you have to do nothing.

If it's on then you should be able to switch it off in de WiFi config, probably on the WiFi basic page (or else  on the Advanced page).

You can also switch it off bij pressing the WiFi button on the side of the V10 until the WiFi light goes off.