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I apologize for asking this in English, as I’m still learning Dutch.


I have a prepaid KPN SIM, and I have been using it for over 2 years now. I’m no longer in the Netherlands, but I plan to use it when I go back, and to use it for SMS 2FA, etc.


I had forgotten to topup or use the SIM card for six months, and my credits was expired on November 8. On KPN Prepaid app, it shows that my credit expiration date is November 8, 2022.


I topped up my account using a voucher code, and sent a couple roaming SMSs to myself to trigger a credit expiration date extension. However, even after those, the app shows my credit expiration date is November 8, 2022.


Is there anything else I have to do to extend the credit life (and hence the SIM validation)? My phone number is on my private profile.

Hi @ParrotLover and welcome to our forum! English is no problem. 🙂 Thank you for adding the phone number to your profile! I've checked the expiration date, and see it's now set to 30-05-2023 so the top up worked and the prepaid connection is active again. I got an earlier case of a customer in the same situation, and I think the prepaid app is slow to update this information today. Apologies for that, but your prepaid number is safe for at least another six months. Remember to use your connection once every six months to prevent this from happening again, that saves a lot of stress. If you have a (digital) calendar or diary, write down a reminder to send a text message or make a short call around the 15th of May. That way you’re well in time for the next expiration date. 🙂

Thank you so much @Sanne_M - That’s a relief to know that the number expiration date is updated. I will make sure to remind myself to extend the validate.