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Hello KPN support,


I have a internet service with KPN box 12b. the current IP address of modm is but I have a NAS storage that has a IP of I cannot connect to my NAS over the modem because the network range that modem supports is  and is out of it.


Is there any any way to change the modem IP address to I wanted to try DHCP but I dont have NAS MAC address and the NAS IP is not the DHCP range and DHCP range is also fixed and cannot be changed.


Thank you,

Hello @Fazel 


It is not possible yet but KPN is developing a new firmware for the modems and it will be possible then, see:


But for now the only thing you can do is change the IP address of the NAS, probably you set the NAS to a fixed IP address, you will have to change that to a 192.168.2.x IP address or better to DHCP and then use a DHCP binding:


You can change it in the NAS by setting a PC/laptop to an fixed 192.168.1.x IP address and then directly connect it to the NAS, you can then reach the interface and change it to DHCP or set an IP address.

Hello @Fazel 


In case you didn't get a notification because the forum went down just after posting my previous reaction, hopefully you will get one now.