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I followed the below page to setup SuperWifi but I have not been able to succeed. 

Every time I remove the Super Wifi from modem and place it elsewhere it turns red.

Modem Model: Experia V10

Hello @Aditya 


Do you have only 1 SuperWiFi point or more?

In combination with the V10 modem the first SuperWiFi point should alway stay connected with the V10 with a UTP networkcable, you can place it anywhere in your house but is has to stay connected with a UTP cable with the V10.

If you have more SuperWiFi points then they only have to be connected during setup, after that you can move them and only connect them to the power.


See also here for installation instructions:



@GeSp Thank you for your response. 

I have two Super Wifi points and I tried to use second one with the first one still connected to Modem but it still turns red. 



If you connect the second point with a wire to the modem and the light is green, leave it connected for at least15 minutes before disconnecting it and placing it somewhere else.


How far away from the first one are you placing the second point?

If it’s to far away of something is blocking the WiFi signal like a reinforced concrete wall or floor then it can’t connect.

Then first try it somewhere closer to the first point, does it work then?


I left the second one connected for more than 20 minutes and then disconnected and placed to a socket that was hardly 10 meters away from the modem/first point but it still turns red.

Is the WiFi light on the V10 off?

It should be off, if it's not than push the WiFi button on the modem until the WiFi light goes off.

If it's on then maybe the second point tries to connect to the modem instead of the first SW point.


Otherwise I think you should do a Clean install of the SuperWiFi points (Schone installatie van SuperWiFi punten) as explained in the link.

Hello @Aditya, I hope you succeeded in installing the SuperWifi and that everyone works fine! The replies of @GeSp include some very helpful tips. If the light keeps burning red after placing the second at a different spot, please try to place it closer. The red light means that you lose the connection with the first point.

If this doesn’t help, then please follow the tip to do a Clean install of the SuperWifi points (Schone installatie van SuperWifi punten). This, in most cases, solves the problem.

Hi All,

Super supportive advices, however is that really true that the first out of two Super Wifi 2.0 needs to stay connected wired with Experia Box 10? If Yes, then i feel to be scammed to be honest. What’s the point then to spend such amount of money for set of two extenders while one of them actually act as the modem because still needs to be wired, Experia box stays like it was as a dummy box + one unit which it is extending the signal. But wait… for 200e there is so many sufficient routers available which are able to cover same surface as only one device instead of 3. Indeed, seems like both units are becoming red once the main unit getting disconnected from Experia box. Disappointment. More and more convinced for return and change the operator. Is this problem being solved with V10.a and newest models? 

Hi All,

Super supportive advices, however is that really true that the first out of two Super Wifi 2.0 needs to stay connected wired with Experia Box 10? If Yes, then i feel to be scammed to be honest. What’s the point then to spend such amount of money for set of two extenders while one of them actually act as the modem because still needs to be wired, Experia box stays like it was as a dummy box + one unit which it is extending the signal. But wait… for 200e there is so many sufficient routers available which are able to cover same surface as only one device instead of 3. Indeed, seems like both units are becoming red once the main unit getting disconnected from Experia box. Disappointment. More and more convinced for return and change the operator. Is this problem being solved with V10.a and newest models? 

Yes only the v10 has this limitation because it is older model. V10a and v12 act as extra wifi point. Kpn is busy with a software renewal program for all models. Also v10 will be eventually included. But probably not in a timeframe to wait for.