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Hello everyone,


So...big update last week, which not only removed without warning all network configurations (port forwards, DHCP rules, even the login password), breaking the connection to every server in the house, but since then, all streaming videos are not working (X, Prime, D+, Max).


Furthermore, the assets (images) used in some apps refuse to load (i.e., Pepper, Amazon).


It's not the device, since everything runs perfectly as soon as I switch to mobile data.


It's not the Wi-Fi configuration because Speedtest reports the usual numbers.


So, it's either a fault on @kpn's side or intentionally made to boost SuperWifi devices sales. Either way, I'm already looking for an alternative provider.




Hi @CalinM . Welcome to the KPN community. 

It certainly wasn't our intension to break your network.  What kind of experiabox are you using? And did you manage to get it working again? 
