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Emigrated, cannot cancel my current subscription

  • 25 januari 2024
  • 47 reacties
  • 278 keer bekeken

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47 reacties

Oh my word!!!!! This has still not been cancelled. KPN, I am now at the stage where I am left to believe that you are intentionally keeping my account active so that you can keep taking my money. Maja - do you actually work for KPN and are you in any position to help? You have been lovely but clearly have no power to assist either. Please can you rather direct me to a real person within KPN who will look at this.

Maja van KPN
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  • 14709 reacties
  • 15 maart 2024

I work for KPN, but the departement that can cancel subscriptions for emigration, is a accommodated by an outsourcing partner. This means I can not contact them directly, they do not have an internal ór external phone number and I can only reach them via the same mailadres you've send your emails to. I can contact our own contract departement (as I did earlier in this conversation) be they can't cancel a running contract, that can only be done by this special departement 😑 It usualy takes about 14 days for them to deal with a received email, and I can see that your PFD from your employer has not been viewed yet, since they would (automatically) leave a note in our customer database. 

I've been checking for notes on a daily basis, but actually don't expect anything before the first halve of next week. I'm sorry there's nothing I or my KPN colleagues can do to speed this proces up 🙁

Maja van KPN
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  • 14709 reacties
  • 25 maart 2024

I still don't see any action @Desperate foreigner and I've sent you a private message with a possible follow up.

I have been trying for nine months now and still get charged. Left to believe this is intentional and KPN falsely advertise that contracts can be cancelled when emigrating just to attract expats. 


Admin: bericht samengevoegd met bestaand topic 


Maja van KPN
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  • 14709 reacties
  • 4 april 2024

Have you seen my private message @Desperate foreigner?

Hi Maja. I did see it, thank you. But the link for a formal complaint does not seem to work? Also, when I tried to respond to your private message the platform was also corrupt and not allowing me to type?

Maja van KPN
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  • 14709 reacties
  • 4 april 2024

This one works. Thanks. Will try submit a formal complaint now.

Maja van KPN
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  • 14709 reacties
  • 4 april 2024

Glad this one works, let's hope this will finally settle things!

Maja van KPN
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  • 14709 reacties
  • 18 april 2024

Have you heard anything about the complaint @Desperate foreigner?

I can see they have tried to call you twice on your KPN number, that you're not using any more. We are not able to call a non Dutch number, you they can't call your ZA number. If they don't reach you they should send you an email with further steps. Did you receive that email from us? 

No email received from KPN.

Seems crazy that they are calling on a Dutch KPN number which I am clearly not using and have not used for 9 months. The entire complaint revolves around this. The service only gets worse and more bazaar as time goes by.

Maja van KPN
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  • 14709 reacties
  • 18 april 2024

I'm sorry for this 😕 I've filed another complaint now, requesting they contact you via email since you're not using your Dutch number any more. 

They just emailed me. To say they will call me within 2 days. On my Dutch number again. Painful!

Please let them know I do not have that number anymore. Maybe they don’t understand my English. I have provided a SA number they can use via whatsapp or else an email address.

Maja van KPN
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  • 14709 reacties
  • 18 april 2024

That was the automated email confirming the complaint, you can ignore the part about calling you on that number! It's not possible for us to call a South African number, our call system is not compatible for international phone calls. I've made a very clear note about you being only available per email, so I'm assuming they will get the message now. 

Dear Maja. It has eventually worked. I received notification that my account has been cancelled as of today. Yipee and thank you!


Next question is how can I request a refund please for the nine months of me trying to have it cancelled? I have been paying but not making use of the service.

Maja van KPN
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  • 14709 reacties
  • 22 april 2024
Desperate foreigner schreef:

Dear Maja. It has eventually worked. I received notification that my account has been cancelled as of today. Yipee and thank you!

Yes!! I'm very sorry that something that should have been quite simpel, caused us so much stress and effort 😬 But eventually we succeeded! 

Desperate foreigner schreef:

Next question is how can I request a refund please for the nine months of me trying to have it cancelled? I have been paying but not making use of the service.

I'm not sure if the colleague that has cancelled is also planning to refund everything. There has not been requested a refund, but it could be the colleague needs to request permission since it's a big number. I'll keep an eye on it for the next couple of days!

Maja van KPN
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  • 14709 reacties
  • 30 april 2024

Still don't see a refund @Desperate foreigner, so I've filed another complaint for the same departement with the request to finish what they have started and also request the refund!

Good Morning Maja


I trust you are well and enjoying the change in weather. I received this today which has confused me even more. Please can you look into this once again and try explain what is happening at KPN..





Beste mevrouw te Roller,

Deze maand is het totaalbedrag van uw factuur € 183,28. Deze factuur hoort bij klantnummer 40106294125. Het bedrag bestaat uit deze kosten:

Abonnement -41,72
Eenmalig 225,00
Totaal 183,28

Maja van KPN
  • Moderator
  • 14709 reacties
  • 15 mei 2024

Hi @Desperate foreigner,

The weather is wonderful at the moment 😃🌞

Your message not so much 😑 It seems that we charged the ‘afkoopsom’ for all 3 the phone numbers, which should not have happend at all since you have cancelled because of immigration. I'm sorry we have made another mistake, it just keeps getting worse 😕

I am able to arrange a refund for this invoice, so there is finally something I can do for you myself. You should receive the refund within 5 business days!

Dear Maja


Thank you for the response. This payment has not yet gone off from my account. Should I not rather simply block it from my side? Then you wont need to arrange a refund.


Please can you also try help arrange the refund on the last 8/9 months of payments? I laid a compliant, received an email that they would try call me (or I should call them). After indicating I did not have a NL number multiple times. I then received an email to say the case was closed as they could not reach me on my Dutch number. Please lay a compliant again for me.


Many thanks



Maja van KPN
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  • 14709 reacties
  • 16 mei 2024

Hi @Desperate foreigner,

Desperate foreigner schreef:

Dear Maja

Thank you for the response. This payment has not yet gone off from my account. Should I not rather simply block it from my side? Then you wont need to arrange a refund.

If you block it, this will cause some new problems, that's why crossing it out against the refund is the best option here 🙂

Desperate foreigner schreef:

I laid a compliant, received an email that they would try call me (or I should call them). After indicating I did not have a NL number multiple times. I then received an email to say the case was closed as they could not reach me on my Dutch number. Please lay a compliant again for me.

Regarding the complaint, I have now contacted the colleague that handled the last one and we spoke about the situation. Because they are required to speak with you on the phone before they are allowed to grant a refund, it's not possible for them to help you with this. It's also not possible for them to do this via email, so we're a bit stuck here. I wil send you a private message now with a possible solution I came up with together with my manager.

Thanks Maja. Will authorise the payment and await your private message.