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Good afternoon,

My name is I. Nemtisor and I got an Internet subscription at KPN in January 16th 2020. The subscription was the 200Mbit one with 50% discount for the first 6 months.

In February, I had to move out of the old apartment into a new one so I had to take the subscription with me as well there. That happened on 24th of February and I called KPN customer service before that to be sure that everything will be prepared in time so I will not have any day without internet. They told me that this is possible, they marked in their system 24th as the “moving date” and they told that the first available date for a mechanic (because was mandatory, according to them) was 5th of March. I called back for another confirmation of this and they agreed that this is CERTAIN. After a few days, I was receiving emails saying that I must make an appointment for a mechanic (but that was already done by phone call). Then I called again the KPN customer service and he told me “We do not see any appointment for a mechanic, we only see that you are going to move in on 5th = INCORRECT!!!!” I insisted that 24th was the moving date and after that person searched thoughtfully, she saw that I was right but somehow the appointment on 5th was gone. Then I asked when is the next available date for an appointment and I was told that this would be possible on 13th of March or, as an workaround I could do it on 5th of March (when the contract at my new address will start = another mistake from your customer service) on my own without any mechanic because it’s easy and they can offer me phone assistance.

On 5th of March I was called by another KPN operator telling me that they realized that I can’t actually making it alone because it needs a mechanic, and this would be possible on 2nd of April – UNBELIEVABLE-. In all this period I will have to stay without internet. I agreed with this and after another 2-3 hours I was called again and I was told that they, again, realized too late that this actually requires a lot of work, welding, and some other things to bring inside the cables or whatever they need for my apartment because it doesn’t have the proper connection yet and this will take an entire day and I have to be home so a day off from my job is needed. For these they told me that they need the confirmation from the owner of the apartment because I am the tenant. I barely could reach the company who owns the building and they didn’t agree with this because there are many other tenants complaining about KPN as internet provider. So, I called back the customer service, I explained the situation and the other operator said that his colleague was wrong and for this operation, the confirmation from the owner is not needed and they will continue to do it and this will take some weeks to be done. I am about to explode because of these people who don’t give any interest on their customers.

Next to this, at my new address, KPN couldn’t offer me the same speed that I had before at my old address (from 200Mbit will be downgraded to 50Mbit) also the discount will be cancelled, so I will have to pay more money for 4 times less internet speed.

How is this possible?

I am extremely angry about this, stressed and pissed off!!! In all this period I stay without interned and I wasted my time on phone calls because nobody knows exactly what is going on. I really want to cancel the internet subscription that I have in these conditions and keep only the mobile subscriptions!!!

Hi Nemtisor, welcome to the forum. I can imagine you're not exactly pleased with how things have been going. It's clear from your description that things are apparently more complex than we had thought beforehand. I'd like to look into this for you. See what the current status is, and what is to be done. I am also curious as to the discount. SInce, when moving, your package should move along as is. Including discounts. While you may not be able to get the full 200 at the new place, it also does no harm to keep it active to make sure you keep the discount.

Please fill in your forum profile and respond here when you've done so. 

Hi Erik, Thank you for your answer.  I filled all the important information for my profile. This is extremely frustrating for me because I use to work a lot from home and the Internet connection is mandatory! I hope to hear something from you soon.

Thank you, @Nemtisor I. .

The reason for rescheduling has to do with absence of a free physical connection in your new apartment. This is something that we discovered after the move was put in the system.

I can't speed up this proces. Sorry for that.   I've read in the notes that you received a mifi router for basic internet needs. Is this correct?

The discount has been removed and in my opinion this is not fair. I would like to compensate this as soon as your new subscription is active. Could you give me a sign when the line is working?


Dear Erwin. Thank you for your you reply.

The thing is that I called the customer service before moving to my new address and they put there into the system the moving date 24th and nobody realized anything. Anyway… the thing is that I need a good Internet connection at my place because I need a good one for my job. I am pretty sure that the new speed of “up to 50Mbit” could not satisfy my demanding”.

When I signed the contract, this was for a speed “Up to 200Mbit” and that was almost there for what I needed. Now, as long as you cannot provide me the same speed at my new address like the one when I signed the contract, I want to go for another Internet provider and come back once you’ll have a better speed in that area. Can you please give me a contact phone number where I can do this?

Indeed, on 6th of March I finally received a mobile mini router as a workaround but that is not something that I can live with. From 24th of February till 6th of March I had no Internet connection and also being wrongly sent from there to there through phone calls was awful to me. 

I can see you point. To get into contact with our collegues from that department you can dial 0800 0402 . Ask for the retetion or ‘save' department. 

I hope they wil honour your request.