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How to cancel month-to-month subscription

  • 13 december 2022
  • 19 reacties
  • 446 keer bekeken

Good day,


I have a month-to-month internet-only KPN subscription. I am currently unable to call customer service, but I would like to cancel/pause my KPN subscription until I need it again in a few months. 

It would be great if I could get some assistance.


Thank you!

Beste antwoord door Sanne van KPN

Hi @AngeloMel! If you want to cancel your subscription, this can be done most quickly by calling us on 0800-0402. Business days between 8:00 - 18:00 and on Saturdays between 8:00 - 17:00. Hopefully you’re able to call now. If not, you can also cancel online, but it can take up to 4 weeks for that to get processed and my colleagues will try calling you about the cancellation as well, to make sure everything is in order. 🙂

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19 reacties

Sanne van KPN
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  • 7452 reacties
  • Antwoord
  • 18 december 2022

Hi @AngeloMel! If you want to cancel your subscription, this can be done most quickly by calling us on 0800-0402. Business days between 8:00 - 18:00 and on Saturdays between 8:00 - 17:00. Hopefully you’re able to call now. If not, you can also cancel online, but it can take up to 4 weeks for that to get processed and my colleagues will try calling you about the cancellation as well, to make sure everything is in order. 🙂

  • Auteur
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  • 8 reacties
  • 12 januari 2023

Hi @Sanne_M,

Thank you for your response.

I have tried doing this via the phone when I was still in NL, but was just transferred back and forth (often with the call dropping and me having to call again). Eventually I gave up and came to this forum instead. I have also filled out the form to cancel, but I have not received any communication from KPN (via phone or email). I’m not sure if phoning would work, since I’m not currently in the EU region. 

Is it possible to cancel/pause my subscription? Otherwise I will be spending quite a bit on a service I am not using.


Thank you :)

Sanne van KPN
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  • 7452 reacties
  • 12 januari 2023

@AngeloMel Odd that you were transferred back and forth. 😐 Did you receive a confirmation after you’ve asked for the cancellation online?

If that happened, then my colleagues should contact you within 4 weeks. If they don't manage to reach you they’ll cancel the subscription regardless per the date you asked for, so it should be sorted either way. 

  • 433 reacties
  • 12 januari 2023

You cannot call 0800 from abroad.

Instead, call +31612001200. 

  • Auteur
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  • 8 reacties
  • 12 januari 2023

Hi @Sanne_M!


I have not received communication regarding the cancellation, but it has not been a full month yet. Let’s see what happens next week. Hopefully I will receive some confirmation email, since I won’t be able to check if it’s working or not. 

Thanks again :)

Sanne van KPN
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  • 7452 reacties
  • 12 januari 2023

Check @AngeloMel. Just in case, could you fill out your forumprofiel? Then I can check whether a cancellation has been registered or not, and that way we'll know what to expect. 🙂 Could you let me know if you’ve filled out everything? Then I can have a look. 

  • Auteur
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  • 8 reacties
  • 13 januari 2023

@Sanne_M done! :) Thank you so much 🙌

Sanne van KPN
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  • 7452 reacties
  • 13 januari 2023

Thank you too @AngeloMel! I see my colleagues have tried contacting you the past week, probably to discuss cancelling your subscription (but the notes they left aren't very clear on that). Do you have any missed calls and voicemails perhaps? If so, I hope they left a way for you to call them back, if that's possible for you to do. 

If that's not possible and you can't call, let me know!

  • Auteur
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  • 17 januari 2023

Hi @Sanne_M

Unfortunately, I am not in the EU region, so my Dutch sim is not usually in my phone. Is it possible to communicate via email instead?

Thank you :)

Sanne van KPN
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  • 7452 reacties
  • 18 januari 2023

@AngeloMel Good to know! I've asked one of my colleagues directly, and the subscription is now cancelled, so that's done! You should’ve received an e-mail confirming this. If you have any other questions, let me know! 

  • Auteur
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  • 19 januari 2023

@Sanne_M wow, thank you so so much! I really appreciate your excellent assistance 🙌

If I would like to activate the internet again, can I just do it via the website?

Sanne van KPN
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  • 7452 reacties
  • 19 januari 2023

You’re very welcome! 😄 Yes, then you can just apply for a subscription again on our website. Make sure to do this at least 3 weeks in advance, just to be safe and make sure you have your services in time. 🙂

If you have any questions by then, feel free to start a new topic! We’re happy to help you here.

  • Auteur
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  • 1 februari 2023

Hi @Sanne_M! I hope you are doing really well :) 


I apologise about keeping this thread going, but I have received an email from KPN saying “Herinnering: stuur alstublieft uw apparatuur terug”. Since I am planning continuing with my KPN subscription again in April, is this really necessary? Also, I am currently unable to do so as I am not in NL. 


Thanks again 😅

Sanne van KPN
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  • 1 februari 2023

Hi @AngeloMel, no worries! Keep using this thread, it still concerns the same subject after all. 😄

It is always necessary to send back your hardware, even if you’re starting a new subscription again later. It's not ideal, but it's automated. That means that you'll receive new hardware for your new subscription automatically. 

As you’re not in The Netherlands currently I can see how this would be a challenge. There's no one back in The Netherlands that can do this for you? It's a matter of packaging everything in a box, write this address on it: 

Antwoordnummer 10119
2400VB Alphen aan den Rijn

Then send it off through a PostNL point of your choosing. There are no costs for this. 

If that's not possible, do let me know! 

  • Auteur
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  • 8 reacties
  • 2 februari 2023

Hi @Sanne_M,

Thanks for the super quick response as always.

Unfortunately, that is not possible :( I am more than happy to keep the existing hardware and just reuse it when the connection is enabled again in April.



Sanne van KPN
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  • 7452 reacties
  • 2 februari 2023

You’re welcome! 

In that case I'll let our logistics department know that you’re unable to return the hardware. You may ignore any letters/e-mails you'll receive about this in the future. 🙂 You may use this hardware again in the future, just know that you'll also receive new hardware when ordering as well. You can then return any hardware you're not using. But that's for later. 😄

Thanks for letting me know! 

KPN medewerker
  • KPN Monteur
  • 4335 reacties
  • 2 februari 2023
Sanne_M schreef:

You’re welcome! 

In that case I'll let our logistics department know that you’re unable to return the hardware. You may ignore any letters/e-mails you'll receive about this in the future. 🙂 You may use this hardware again in the future, just know that you'll also receive new hardware when ordering as well. You can then return any hardware you're not using. But that's for later. 😄

Thanks for letting me know! 

Small correction, if he gets a new internet account with tv then he'll receive the new KPN TV+ box and need to use those, the old ones shouldn't work. 

  • Auteur
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  • 8 reacties
  • 3 februari 2023

Thank you so much @Sanne_M and @Ik_Combineer! I really appreciate all the help. The customer service has been excellent 🙌

Sanne van KPN
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  • 7452 reacties
  • 3 februari 2023
Ik_Combineer schreef:

Small correction, if he gets a new internet account with tv then he'll receive the new KPN TV+ box and need to use those, the old ones shouldn't work. 

Good point @Ik_Combineer

You’re very welcome @AngeloMel! Happy to hear it. 😄