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New prepaid number can't make calls - prepaid tariffs - how to topup

  • 30 October 2024
  • 4 reacties
  • 40 keer bekeken


I bought a new kpn sim card when visiting Ams. I inserted it on my phone and got 4G, but did not have the need to make any call or send any message. I was surprised that I did not get any welcome sms.


According to what I have read, the sim might not be activated. How could I do that?


I plan to use the SIM across Europe. Where can I find the roaming and national tariffs for calls, sms and data?


Also, I am unsure of how to topup. On and similar sites vouchers are sold, but these require to dial Call *100*1244# and follow the instructions??? Do these work from outside the Netherlands?

I installed the app but I was not getting any sms, so don’t know how that works. Any webpage where it is possible to directly buy a topup?



4 reacties

  • Auteur
  • Nieuwkomer
  • 2 reacties
  • 31 oktober 2024

found the info to some of the questions:

my sim card seems not activated. can’t make calls.

Would appreciate if someone from KPN could manually activate my card. Thanks.

Remco van KPN
  • Moderator
  • 6499 reacties
  • 1 november 2024

Hi KPN kepien welcome to the Netherlands and the KPN Community!

It can be a bit confusing because all the instructions are in dutch but basically you need to place a phone call or sent a text message to a another number:

1: Activeer je simkaart / Activate your sim card

  • Doe de simkaart in je telefoon en zet hem aan  / Place the sim card in the phone and turn it on

  • Voer de standaardpincode van je simkaart in: 0000 / Enter the standard pincode of the sim card: 0000

  • Bel of sms naar een willekeurig telefoonnummer / Call or sms to a random phone number

  • Je simkaart wordt nu automatisch geactiveerd / The sim card will be automatically activated

  • Je krijg € 2,50 starttegoed / You will receive € 2,50 starting credit



It remains the question if your phone is compatible with the KPN sim card. Are you still in Amsterdam, maybe your in a position to visit a KPN store?

  • Auteur
  • Nieuwkomer
  • 2 reacties
  • 1 november 2024

Thanks for your reply.

Unfortunately when I was in the Netherlands I did not have the need to place a call or send an sms. The service seemed to be working, although it was not receiving any welcome sms. Now I am not in the Netherlands and not sure when I will return.

There was nothing suggesting that my phone was not compatible with the network. I got strong 4G signal.

I read on other threads that people in the same situation were asked to enter the number on their profile info for manual activation. I have done so.


Remco van KPN
  • Moderator
  • 6499 reacties
  • 4 november 2024

​​​@kepien. I Activated the simcard :-) . It should be working now and you should be able to top it off.