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No internet

Good morning! I realy can not understand why on my adress dont have internet signal. This is not funny? From 27.02.2020. All my negebors have kpn internet from april. In adress 46, 50 and farder have signal but on my nr 48 dont have. 19.05.2020 was one men from kpn netwerk. Where is the results? When I contact with you, you say I must wait or call to my provider (kpn). My provider (kpn) when I ask about signal, told then dont have and I must call to kpn netwerk. What heppen? I can not understand this, bicause I am between 2 houses who have kpn internet but I not. Some one go to do somethink or just seat behaind computet and hope then all come good from selfs? Anbelivble!!! 

Beste antwoord door Erwin van KPN

Erwin_ schreef:


My advice is to call 0800 0402 and mention ‘cancelations/opzeggingen’  Also, if you have te opportunity, ask a Dutch speaking friend to help.  

Tell them you ordered a new contract on the new adres and want to have the fee removed. 


This is the best advice I can give you at the moment.



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13 reacties

Erwin van KPN

Hi @Gatis . What happens when you enter your postal code and housenumber in our ordering system?


Can you add the adres in your profile? So I can take a look?

  • Auteur
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  • 7 reacties
  • 30 juni 2020

You can see the adress in my profile.


Erwin van KPN

Hi @Gatis .There has been a delay with you order. You have received a special number to make inqueries. Dit you receive this number?

  • Auteur
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  • 30 juni 2020

I think no. What kind of nummer and what I can do with it?

Erwin van KPN

Your order is now beeing monitored by our backoffice. There is an issue with the acces part of it (the physical connection)  They wil contact you as soon as it is possible to complete your order.  Sadly I can't say when this wil be. 

  • Auteur
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  • 1 juli 2020

Ja, I know. This story I have from 27.02.2020.

Last time when one woman call to me from backoffice, she say the same story. It was 2 months ago.

I start to think then kpn do it for special.

I have a recommendation to go to court against kpn. On the grounds that when concluding the contract, the company does not fulfill its obligations and prevents the customer from using the connected service.


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  • 2 juli 2020

I just get the bill from KPN. I must pay because I stop contract. Reason why I stop? KPN dond deliver home internet from 27.02.2020 till now. But I pay every month for this. So, kpn like to have money but dont give service for what I pay. Before I stop this contract, I ask: must I pay some fee if I stop? I get the reply then NO. BICAUSE KPN CANT GIVE INTERNET BUT I PAY FOR IT.

Now I see then KPN IS CRIMINAL COMPANY. They dont take care about clients. I am client from 2013. THEY TAKE ONLY MONEY.

I go to inform about this also Nl news chanels. And ofcours I go to the court.

Client:  (...)


*Admin: gegevens verwijderd i.v.m. privacy

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  • 6 juli 2020

No connection till now and no one give some info when kpn finaly connected home internet.


Erwin van KPN

Hi @Gatis . You contacted our helpdesk and mentioned you didn't want to wait any longer.  My collegue cancelled your move order. He also cancelled your old subscription. Since you were still in the middle of your yearly contract there was a fine.   

If you thinks this is an error, my advice is to call 0800 0402 and ask for ‘opzeggingen’. Do you have a friend that speaks dutch? This might helpt in communication. 



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  • 6 juli 2020

Explain me please, for what I must pay 4 months???? I give order for moving at february. And till june no internet connection! Why I must pay every this months for internet and after also boete???? 

Explain please, why kpn must have my money but dont give home internet???? Ofcours in this reason I stop this contract! Its not 2 or 4 weeks. Internet I dont have from february till now. And I must pay for this???


I realy cant understand. Why kpn collect my money for nothink?? 

Just say one good reason, why I must pay for nothink??? 

Erwin van KPN

Normally this isn't the way it works.   But it's hard for me to judge because I wasn't present at the phone conversation.


These are the general rules: 

-You order a subscription with KPN for a year.  If you stop this subscription before the year is over, you will get a fee for the remaining year. 

-If you move during the year and KPN can deliver on the new adres, you can cancel the subscription without the fee. But it looks like we can deliver on your new adres, it only took us longer.


You didn't want to wait for the move (understanderbly) and then the colleague terminated everyting. Which resulted in a fee.

I see now you ordered a new subscription on the new adres. Which is still waiting to be connected. Like I said before: I can't tell you when this will be fixed.


My advice is to call 0800 0402 and mention ‘cancelations/opzeggingen’  Also, if you have te opportunity, ask a Dutch speaking friend to help.  

Tell them you ordered a new contract on the new adres and want to have the fee removed. 





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  • 6 juli 2020

I see you dont understand.

Here one simple example. You move to new adress and take with you your energy provider. For example you pay 70€ monthly for energy. But your energy provider cant deliver/connected this service at your new adress. (LOOKS LIKE CAN BUT CANT). But you pay every months this 70€ without energy, just waiting till company connect it. After 4 months without energy, you still like to pay this money every months to this provider? Only because your contract is not finish and only because provider told you then can connect but dont know when? 

P.S. And in general rules any provider must give service for money what client paid. NO SERVICE- NO MONEY! Simple! 


Erwin van KPN
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  • 7 juli 2020
Erwin_ schreef:


My advice is to call 0800 0402 and mention ‘cancelations/opzeggingen’  Also, if you have te opportunity, ask a Dutch speaking friend to help.  

Tell them you ordered a new contract on the new adres and want to have the fee removed. 


This is the best advice I can give you at the moment.