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Hi Team,

I am facing lot of troubles with Experiabox V10A where it keeps on failing almost every 3-5 mins. Because of same I am not able to use my office VPN which requires consistent connectivity, My whole day has been lost connecting to office network, Skype call also breaks much frequently. This is the problem with every device connected with WiFi. Chromecast also shows WiFi setup screen every 5 minutes.

I believe it has something to do with lease time (but not sure though). Already tried WiFi tuner, modem reset, WiFi channel change with your colleague but nothing worked out. Finally posting here in hope of getting solution and of course a stable and good quality network.


Hi Kapil, welcome on our board.

I am aware about some issues regarding these problems and VPN. Would you please add your postal code and house number to your profile? I want to check the firmware version of your Experiabox.

Please let me know when it's done. Cheers.
Hi Alex,

Profile has been updated. Kindly look into the matter and do the needful please.


Thanks, I've sent everything to our technical staff, I expect to hear something today or tomorrow.
Hi Alex,

Any news on the issue ? It been 4 days already I reported the issue.


Hi Kapil,

Just checked, the new firmware has been pushed to your Experiabox. Did you try to connect through the VPN today? You could also turn the modem off for 10 seconds and on again just to be sure?
Hi Alex,

VPN connection is a bit stable now, but still I have issues of failing WiFi in every 2 mins or so. See image from Chromecast just now for which connection is not at all stable.

For your reference I am attaching log files of modem also from WeTransfer for better debugging of root cause.

Waiting for your response.
Hi Alex,

Any update on this issue ?


I'm thinking about swapping your modem for a new one, the VPN issue shoud be fixed now. The WiFi issue is a weird one, I can't seem to read the WiFi settings from a distance. Could you do me a favor and reset the modem by holding the resetbutton at the back for about 10 seconds with a tooth pick? Or did you do this already?

Which Chromecast are you using by the way? 1, 2 or 3?
Hi Alex, I did it already multiple time in hope of getting the stable WiFi.

Indeed VPN issue is resolved but wifi is still not stable. Kindly do the needful please.
I am using chromecast 2 but it issue is for persist for every device at home. For few seconds internet goes down abruptly.
The fastest is to swap this at a Post NL swappoint, you can choose from Hoogvliet Groest, Primera or Jumbo and it will be delivered tomorrow before 3 p.m. You only need to bring the old one with you and your ID card or passport. Any preference?
Hoogvliet is nearest for me. I can collect it at 5 PM tomorrow with my ID card.

Please let me know if that works for you.
Yes, no problem. On it's way. Don't forget to bring the old one with you in a small carboard box, doesn't really matter what kind of box.
Just curious, dit it help?
Not really Alex. Still facing issues with failing wifi.

On internet I found a suggestion to assign static IPs to all known device so that DCHP lease will be allocated permanently for the time period and router will not try to reclaim it back. I configured router in that way and monitoring the stability of connection.

Not sure if that works.


You can never know what is wrong with wireless but I doubt fixed IP addresses will bring a solution. That typically helps if connections are broken if you leave devices connected (succesfully connected non-stop) for more than a day at a time.

Does a cabled connection work?

Something might be jamming your wifi. Could be a cheap LED bulb, leaking microwave, a neighbour. If you try out a cebled connection you will know. And it might save you a ton of health problems.
It could well be that assigning DHCP reservations will "solve" the problem.

Unfortunately the firmware of the V10a contains a lot of bugs and at least one of them has to do with the DHCP server failing to (re)assign IP addresses to DHCP cliënts.

By assigning DHCP reservations the DHCP server of course uses a different path in the software with which the bug might be avoided.

Unfortunately there is a maximum of 10 DHCP reservations.
@wjb The Experiabox has already be resetted and exchanged for a new one.
@wjb The Experiabox has already be resetted and exchanged for a new one.

Correct and again it is a V10a meaning the same bugs are still applicable.
Kruimeltje, here we go again. I've trashed the replies that have nothing to do with the original question of the TS.

@Kapil- Experia V10A I'm going to skip the comments above. Let's focus on the WiFi issue. You should't have to assign that manually. Would you please start this site on a mobile device at home while connected with the WiFi and follow the required steps? I wonder what the outcome is and if an extender is advised. Please let me know.
Whatever @Alex_P You seen to have personal favourites who can be 100% off-topic, give bad advidce you had to delete, and on the ohter hand...... people you use as a scapegoat.
Whatever @Alex_P You seen to have personal favourites who can be 100% off-topic and.... people you use as a scapegoat for giving information.

Not at all, I did the same with wjb's replies here. I'm sorry you feel that way.
Let's focus on the WiFi issue. You should't have to assign that manually. Would you please start this site on a mobile device at home while connected with the WiFi and follow the required steps? I wonder what the outcome is and if an extender is advised. Please let me know.

I don't think it is the wifi that causes the issues but the DHCP server of the V10a.

Before doing anything else I would suggest to wait for feedback of @Kapil- Experia V10A whether or not the DHCP reservations "solved" the problem or at least improved the stability of the network.

sorry + feel that way.

@wjb goes off-topic and the other gets the blame by getting shamed and named. Funny
Hi All,

I did monitor the stability of connection with DHCP reservations, and it seems connection stability is quite improved. Internet connection doesn't go away much frequently and I also see very less message like below in system log of router (earlier it was like every minute):

"VRV9517 dhcpd: Reclaiming not used lease"

So I would like to keep this setting for my known devices. Kindly suggest.

