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I just moved into a new apartment.  I arranged an Internet contract with KPN and on the website was mentioned that I will have a fiber optic connection and only have to install the modem.

The problem is that I don't have a fiber optic box, only the orange cable in my meter cupboard, I suppose this is a fiber optic cable and it’s not connected to anything. The question is what additional equipment is required and how to get it?

Photo attached.


Hi @Dmitrii! That indeed doesn't look ready for installation. 

In most cases an engineer will come by and install the fiber optic box. You would receive communication by e-mail to confirm the appointment. Have you had these e-mails?

Please let me know here so I can help you get things all ready for installation. 🙂

You would receive communication by e-mail to confirm the appointment. Have you had these e-mails?

Hi @Bram_ , thanks for the quick response!

Unfortunately, I didn’t receive any emails regarding any appointment with an engineer 😔; I only got the email that the modem is on its way (today) and that was all.

@Dmitrii thanks for your answer! I've discussed the matter. Do you know the date at which the orange cable was brought into the house? Was this very recent?

Also normally KPN Netwerk, our fiber cable company, would also install an FTU the same moment the cable is brought in. A Fiber box. Is there a reason why this was not done this time?

In our systems it says that KPN Network still has to complete the installation of the FTU and will report back to us when this is done. After this moment the setup is ready for installation.

Please let me know when the cable was brought in. And also if you have had any communication from KPN Network. After that I can give you more information on the steps we will take next. 


@Bram_ , I talked to the owner about cuz I have no knowledge about any of that 🙂.

The owner claims that: “the orange cable was not brought in recently. This was at least 6 years ago. Maybe even longer ago. Additionally, doesn't know why the box is not installed at the time.” Before I moved to this apartment there was Ziggo internet.


@Dmitrii could you in that case lastly check that there isn't another orange cable that is still unconnected outside?

Again in our systems it says that KPN Network still has to complete the installation of the fibreoptic cable. This cable was supposed to be outside, in front of your house. At least according to our registration.

Because your picture clearly shows a fiber cable inside your home my assumption was that this had been completed but not reported back correctly. Seeing as this cable has been there for a long time, this information may still be correct. If this is the case you should see a fiber cable sticking out of the ground outside. 

If this is not the case, please let me know so I can take the right course of action. 

I do want to thank you ahead of time for your cooperation and quick responses. 

Hi @Bram_ , sorry for the very long response, I had to contact the owner and ask neighbors.

There is a metal cabinet outside where the cable must be, it should be connected cuz there are some KPN Wi-Fis around. Unfortunately, I wasn’t able to open it to double-check cuz it’s locked and I couldn’t find the key. The neighbors don’t know or don’t remember cuz it was a long time ago 😥

My assumption will be that the cable outside is connected, but there is no fiber box in the apartment.

Just for FYI, I received the KPN Box V12 and that’s all, no any additional emails or anything 😔

please let me know so I can take the right course of action. 

What are the next steps then?

@Dmitrii I've had contact with KPN Netwerk. They are sending a message to the contractor. The contractor is going to call you within 5 weekdays. 

Because the fiber won't be connected tomorrow I've sent in a request to send you a DOP. This is a separate wifi router that works off 4G. 

For any more questions on the installation of the fiber, please call 088 - 006 3744. This is the number for KPN Network. They hire the contractor that will install the fiber. 

As soon as there is news on the DOP you will receive that first. I will confirm it from here too.

I`m sorry to not be able to give you better news on the installation for tomorrow. 

@Dmitrii I can't see updates from KPN Netwerk. Could you let me know here how that communication is going? 

Also, when KPN Network has installed the fiber box, the next step is to plan a KPN engineer. I could do this for you but it is always faster to call 0800-0402 because of the response times on the forum. 

My recommendation is to try there first. And let me know here if that doesn't work. 

@Bram_ ,

unfortunately, nothing changed. I did contact KPN Netwerk several times, last time was on Wednesday. They only said that they contacted a contractor and told the contractor that I’m still waiting for the call. The contractor didn’t call me back and didn’t set up the appointment 😔

No idea how long it will take, seems like they just ignore me on purpose and continue delaying the installation process, don’t know what else to do to speed things up. It's been two weeks now since the initial start date of the contract and I still have no idea if it gonna work.

@Dmitrii : Did you at least receive a Direct Online Package? With a 4g dongle?

Hi @Erwin_,

Yes, I did receive the “DOP” on 11th of November; however, there is a tiny problem as well 😅

I can’t check how much data is left; I tried to enter the password to connect to the modem but it always says “incorrect password”. I even tried to reset it, like it said in the instruction and it didn’t work.

So, I have no idea how close I am to the end of the traffic.

I hope there is a way to resolve the “postponing the installation” process by the KPN Netwerk.

When you feel like you have reached the end of the databundle, give me a headsup and I'll add another bundle. 

Thanks, @Erwin_ , I’ll do that. 

Still, it’s better that I get the internet before I run out of traffic. Do you or @Bram_  know if there is something else that can be done to speed up the process?

I've made a ticket on your behalf.  No we must hope for the best. 

Hi @Erwin_ , 

as promised, I’m giving you a heads-up about reaching the end of the data bundle, hope you can add an additional traffic.

Just FYI, I did receive a call from the KPN provider, explained my situation once again and an additional ticket was made to KPN Netwerk (lost count how many already), so no progress still  😑

Today is 4 weeks since the initial start of the contract and I still don’t have an internet connection in my apartment 😢 And even more than a month since I raised the installation question.

@Bram_ , @Erwin_   maybe you have any updates? I want to escalate this problem; it's gone beyond any reasonable explanations.

Never have I ever thought that in 2022 the connection to the internet would be that problematic.


P.S.: if you could verify that DPO is updated with extra traffic, that would be great, thx.

@Dmitrii there is already an open ticket. I've escalated this ticket. 

Could you confirm for me you received a number that you can call around the 30th of november?

I've also requested more data for the DOP which should be put on there within 24 hours. 

@Bram_ , do you think this very weird situation could be resolved before the end of the year?

Yeah, on the 30th of November I received the phone number (...15-57) via SMS from KPN (provider), as was being said to me: could call if need help or extra traffic for the DOP.

@Dmitrii in that case for now I must ask you to please wait for the results of the escalation.

If you need data, it is best and fastest to call the provided number. You can also ask here. The result will be the same but it may take a bit longer that way.

So, it’s been more than a month since the last update and the "escalation", and yet still, there is no progress at all. In total it’s 3 month 😐
I did contact (lost count of how many times) KPN Netwerk and couldn't get anything out of them.
@Bram_ , can I ask you to create another ticket..? I have a feeling that all others are closed 🤷
And more thing, it would be great if traffic could be added again?

Hi @Dmitrii! The reason I haven't said much in this topic is because the ticket was still active. I do see that the last response in teh ticket was quite old. For that reason I've asked for another response as soon as possible. 

I do agree this is taking way too long. And am still on your side when it comes to getting services delivered. I expect a quick response from the team handeling the ticket. If you haven't heard here before early on friday morning, please let me know here. 

Hi! I received a call from one of your colleagues and I explained the situation again and that I spoke with KPN Netwerk to no avail. The person told me he would contact the KPN Netwerk again and try to push. Not sure if it’s going to help but anyway.

P.S.: I didn’t get the confirmation that extra data was added, so I presume it was?

@Dmitrii it should have been added. But you will also receive a text on your mobile phone. To make sure I've put in another request. 

If all is well you have received a quickstart folder with the mifi router. It has instructions on how to see how much data is on the router still. 

If you have not received the text please let me know here. I`ll ask the team if there is a reason why the automatic requests aren't going through. 

Recently I did get an internet connection. KPN Netwerk contacted me and set up a meeting; after so many months of waiting I was thinking that no one will show up 😅; however, the technician came on time on the agreed date and spent 20 minutes just plugging the box and left, the internet started to work at the same moment.

So, in the end, it took 4 months to connect my apartment but I’m glad that this issue has been resolved.

Want to thank you @Bram_ , for helping and assisting with the problem.