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I have been using KPN 500/500 fiber optic internet for months and I started losing my internet connection very often since last 3 weeks. All leds are green on the router* and on the fiber optic box but internet keeps on dropping.

What could be the possible reason? I suspect of a backend problem.

What did I do to understand and fix the problem?


  • To make sure if it is only for specific device or for all, I tested connectivity with 6 different devices including pc, mac, mobile etc
  • To make sure if it is not only for wifi, I connected to the router via cable. Problem occurred with wired connection as well.
  • Tried different cables with different devices to make sure it is not cable or device
  • Hard resetted the router with a pin. Problem still occurs
  • Turned fiber box on and off

As you may see below, - in traceroute is losing 92.687% of the packets, it effect the overall network quality. On top of that I’m having complete drop of internet for up 5 seconds (image 2).


Looking forward to your urgent help as this effects my experience of working from home.


image 2



I still do have 97.7% packet drops on ( and my home internet is unusable.


Apparently it happens with any KPN hop, when I ping different domains, I do get packet loss with KPN backend all the time.




Other people having similar problems -found with searching for the kpn server name


Anyone from KPN here? Support tried to sell me monteur visit for 45 euros even tho it has nothing to do with my situation.

Hi @Batuj, Welcome to our Forum! First of all, I must say, I really appreciate the effort you put into analyzing the issue yourself. I don't think you need a mechanic to solve this issue, but we'll find out. Drops of such a high percentage shouldn't occur and I can imagine your internet becomes unusable. 
How is everything connected to each other? 
From the information I have, I assume your ‘in-home network’ looks like the table below...
Do you have any wifi extenders or other access points included/connected to the network?
Did you already try to ‘reset’ the fiberglass box by unplugging it for two minutes? 

Connection point cwired without splitter] Fiberglass box
(three green lights)

V10a (?)

      ewired] tv(s)
      twired] playstations, computers, etc.?


Could you also fill out your profile for me? It allows me to measure the internet connection. Postalcode, housenumber and customer number (see invoice) is sufficient for now.

@Lisa Thank for your message, 


My existing connection involves 2 switches, and a commercial firewall however the traffic I'm testing is direct connection with cable. 

In the meantime I tried changing DNSs, tested with resetting modem again, restarted fiber box and pinged different websites/ips.

Interesting enough, I don't have this problem when I ping I have asked a friend in the neighbourhood to test and he has the same packet loss problems- he can't join online meetings like me, so this sounds like to area wide problem.


Looking forward to your help.

I do have TP-Link Deco p7 for mesh wifi from the modem via cable. Again to note, all these tests are done via cable connection and wifi connection gives the same result. I also changed the cable between fibre box and modem but didn't help.

@Lisa have you had a chance to take a look, thanks!!

@Batuj Yes ofcourse, I just sended an e-mail to a direct colleague of mine who is a bit (read: a lot) more familiar with these type of issues. I hope to get his reply tomorrow morning. If not, I'll pass this through to someone else! Sorry for making you wait. :speak_no_evil:

@Lisa Thank for your message, 


My existing connection involves 2 switches, and a commercial firewall however the traffic I'm testing is direct connection with cable. 

In the meantime I tried changing DNSs, tested with resetting modem again, restarted fiber box and pinged different websites/ips.

Interesting enough, I don't have this problem when I ping I have asked a friend in the neighbourhood to test and he has the same packet loss problems- he can't join online meetings like me, so this sounds like to area wide problem.


Looking forward to your help.

Hi Batuj,
It could be so many things, but to rule things out, I would only connect a wired PC directly to the EB and then ping
The fiber box does nothing more than translate glass to ethernet, which works or not.
Of course there can be an error between your house and the exchange, but KPN can measure this remotely I see you're using Cloudfare's DNS for probably good reason. 
Try the DNS settings from KPN below for 1 day:
Excluding things often works best ;-)



Hi @Multiedje 

Thanks for this and below you may see the result.


I’m no expert but on the KPN network, pinging KPN DNS while redirected on it should indeed workas it sounds like pinging Funny enough, I get no packet loss when I ping on Cloudflare DNS. So we may say KPN to KPN is working fine :-)

Rest of the internet, I still get the following result even with KPN DNS. I would like to underline, this problem is not specific to me and my colleagues in the neighbourhood are also suffering from it.


When it comes to KPN measurements, I’m not so sure on the reliability. 6 months ago I was getting 1mb on a 500mb fiber and I was assured that all looked good on KPN systems. After 4 visits and hours of calls problem resolved at the backend. I believe this issue is also on backend.

Looking forward to your help.


Hmm, see your point. I think @Lisa colleage (KPN) must do some measurements on the backend indeed. 
I’m very curious on the results, because 1mbps or 1MB/s is not what you must aspect from a 500/500 fiber connection.


Thanks @Multiedje, looking forward to hearing from @Lisa in this case.

@Batuj It took some time, but here I am! 
So, my colleague gave me some additional information on how to interpret the information you provided us with.
It's a common mistake to misinterpret packet losses in pings. If a single 'hop' from one server to another shows packet losslPL%], but the total amount of data packages remains the same acount] until the end 'final destination', means there is no loss at all. This actually means the server with the high packet loss percentage hardly or doesn't respond to ping request. Data is being sent to the next server, but does not respond to it. This non-responding behavior is registerred as packet loss by the tracing computer. 

In addition, it is usual for our network to hardly respond to 193/143/134/etc. 
This means we can conclude that, even though you tried another DNS,  there is no packet loss in any of these analyses made. 
Hopefully, this bit of information takes away some of your concerns. This doesn't solve your problem ofcourse. 
I ran some tests on your network and found four connection losses. Both were manually performed.    
21/03 2x 
28/03 2x
I can't find any connection losses on your network beside losses who were manually performed. 
Also, the fiberglass connection seems very stable. 

Could you please explain what you experience during the connection drops? This helps me understand the problem! 
1. When do they occur
2. How do you solve this issue now (waiting?)  
3. how long do they last?
4. Is the connection loss both wired and wifi?

Another question. Your have your own access point connection to the V10a. If you remove the AP, do you have connection drops as well? 

Hope to hear from u soon! 

Thanks @Lisa !


1. When do they occur 

All day while using any internet connected device. It causes lag and delay. As an example, you click on a link and wait for 10 seconds for connection to be established. Android devices/PC laptops show wifi sign with an exclamation mark indicating no internet connection - with cable connection as well. Video conference quality suffers and VOIP calls loses connectivity.


It is considerably better since last 3-4 days however problem still exists.

2. How do you solve this issue now (waiting?)  

Using my mobile hotspot for meetings. Anything that works with buffering eliminates the problem, spotify/netflix/youtube etc.

3. how long do they last? Takes apprx 10sec to restore
4. Is the connection loss both wired and wifi?

Yep. I do my tests with vanilla network connectivity. Tested with direct wifi from experia box, deco p7 mesh wifi as well on different ethernet port outputs.

@Batuj Thank you for your explanation. 
Do you have any clue why the connection is better since the last 3-4 days? I don’t see any drops, restart or changes for the last 7 days. So the signal didn't change. 
Since the last time the modem lost its connection on the 28th of March, may I ask you to do the following actions?

  1. unplug the Fiberglass box for 2 minutes. 
  2. replug the fiberglass box and give the modem a hard reset
  3. And…. let me know when u did this. I'm curious whether our tracing computer analyses these actions and if I can see the lost connection. 

Last thing. You have a wired connection between the ‘mesh router’ and our modem. If you remove the router and just use the internet connection (wired/wifi) of our modem. Does the exclamation mark still appear? 

If not, we need to figure out how to sync the modem with the router. If it does appear, I probably should run some tests myself including resetting your modem and perhaps replace your modem. If I need to run some tests, what time today suits you best between now and 1800H? 

Hi @Lisa 


I done it before but just resetted the modem and pulled of the fiber box and reattached it after 15min.

I tested direct wifi connection before and will test it again.


Please feel free to do tests anytime today till 1800, many thanks!!





Also I have never had faster wifi speed than 150mbps in download, 434 is the upload speed. Could you please test the bandwidth as well?



@Batuj Thank you for your fast reply! My system traced an issue which I can not explain:sweat_smile: . I want to schedule a (free) Mechanic for you, because I think its an issue in the street cabinet. The mechanic will hopefully fix the line for you. I will send you a private message with dates and times available for the mechanic to come over. 

For our Forum visitors. We scheduled a mechanic for next monday between 1200-1400H. Please let us know if the mechanic was able to solve your internet issue(s). I'm very curious! For now, I wish u a nice and sunny weekend. :sun_with_face:

Thanks looking forward to it @Lisa , what is the expected action from the mechanic? 

Thanks looking forward to it @Lisa , what is the expected action from the mechanic? 

@I don't really know, but a stop-session was registerred, this could mean that the fiberglass wire isn't proparly connected in the street cabinet or there is some kind of short-circuit, I have no clue how to explain:joy: .
He will mainly be working in the street cabinet and will test the connection in your home. 

@Lisa thanks!!

HI @Lisa, yesterday a colleague of yours called me in the morning. He said he will be asking one of his colleagues to do some tests and give me a call. Noone called yet and dunno who to reach here. Could you please help with this? thanks!!

Hi @Lisa, still waiting for a call.  This is taking way longer and I’m still suffering from service quality. Could you please help me with reaching out to your colleagues for a proper follow up? Thanks!