Hello I'm having trouble setting up a new email address after logging in ( https://email.kpn.com ) I get this message Dienst email niet gevonden voor uw account. Unfortunately, I can't do anything. And it is important to send an e-mail to KPN.
Can't make a new e-mail adress on my new account: "Dienst email niet gevonden voor uw account"
Beste antwoord door Sanne van KPN
Odd that this isn't working, especially since your services have been active since the 17th of June. 😕
Just to make sure, you’re following the steps for creating an e-mail alias? I've put the page through Google Translate for you so it should show up in English.
I should note it's not possible to e-mail us. You can contact us by phone if you have any urgent questions or issues. You can reach us on 0800-0402 on business days between 8:00 - 18:00 and on Saturdays between 8:00 - 17:00.
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Enter your E-mail address. We'll send you an e-mail with instructions to reset your password.