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I terminated my contract with KPN, but KPN is still charging me

I terminated my wifi contract with KPN in January. I also received a cancellation email from KPN that wifi  services will be terminated starting 1 March 2024.  The email screenshot is attached(personal info removed). However, KPN has sent my invoice for this month. Upon calling them I found that they are waiting for confirmation from my new provider (Odido).  However, I have NOT opted for overstappen service so there is no question of getting notice or intimation from Odido to KPN. I also told the KPN customer care that I have a legit cancellation email from you but they are still insisting on talking to Odido.  My Odido internet service is already started on 1 March. I am disappointed and not sure what to do now. 



Beste antwoord door Sanne van KPN

Hi @wifi-versterkers-20feb and welcome to our forum! 

If you’ve received a confirmation of cancelling your services then they should be cancelled. Our customer service should be able to see this as well, so my advise is to call us on 0800-0402 on business days between 8:00 - 18:00 and on Saturdays between 8:00 - 17:00. 
Tell the automated menu that you want to cancel your subscription (‘opzeggen’) and you should be automatically connected to the department that does cancellations. They’re the only ones allowed to cancel contracts.

Hopefully they'll be able to cancel it quickly! 

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14 reacties

@Thomas van KPN I saw you have checked similar issues. can you through this thread and see why KPN is still invoicing? I have also attached a cancellation confirmation email from KPN.


my IP is also changed to Odido (T mobile) so it is 100% that I am not using KPN

@Bart van KPN if you check as well. 

  • Topper
  • 10 reacties
  • 9 maart 2024

@wifi-versterkers-20feb  is your March invoice for the entire month 1st through 31st or? Because I would assume that you would receive the March invoice since the end date was March 1st (technically you would still have been on KPNs internet on March 1st). So you will have to pay for that one day in March and hence the invoice. Then afterwards, maybe in April, or maybe later this month, not sure how it works, you would receive the last invoice, if and when correcting for the actual internet usage in March.
Now, what you said about customer service is very confusing, makes no sense why would they tell you that. But, hey, it’s customer service, half the time they’ve not the most reliable information. I wouldn’t take it too seriously, just wait for April and that last invoice. Then you get reimbursed if they charged you too much for this month.

Hope it helps.

drmr schreef:

@wifi-versterkers-20feb  is your March invoice for the entire month 1st through 31st or? Because I would assume that you would receive the March invoice since the end date was March 1st (technically you would still have been on KPNs internet on March 1st). So you will have to pay for that one day in March and hence the invoice. Then afterwards, maybe in April, or maybe later this month, not sure how it works, you would receive the last invoice, if and when correcting for the actual internet usage in March.
Now, what you said about customer service is very confusing, makes no sense why would they tell you that. But, hey, it’s customer service, half the time they’ve not the most reliable information. I wouldn’t take it too seriously, just wait for April and that last invoice. Then you get reimbursed if they charged you too much for this month.

Hope it helps.

The invoice is from 7 March to 6 April @drmr 

  • Topper
  • 10 reacties
  • 10 maart 2024

Oh, so your last day on KPN network was on your February invoice. That’s different then, because that should mean your last invoice should’ve been March, but as you said it’s not.

When you log in to your “mijnKPN” what do you see on the left hand side of the screen under “Abonnementsgegevens”? If there is info about your subscription, it does mean that your subscription is still active. In the case of deactivated subscription all the fields would change to “niet beschikbaar”.

Since KPN customer service told you it was still not deactivated and if you can confirm this in your “mijnKPN”, from my experience, since I have almost the same issue as you, you have to call Odido and push them to get your KPN subscription deactivated. There is no other way to get KPN to do their job. No moderators here will deactivate it.

When you log in to your Odido account, do you see your subscription details? Similar to mijnKPN if Odido activated it, it is visible there, by the detailed contents in description fields.

Once Odido activates it, KPN deactivates on their side. I guess they share the same back-end integration. And you should receive emails from both ISPs about these respective actions the moment they take place.

It is absolutely appalling that KPN would refuse to stop invoicing on the end date of the contract (or at any point afterwards) because they didn’t receive any information from your new ISP. And that you have to push your new ISP to do it.

at moderators here: What does KPN have with @wifi-versterkers-20feb ‘s new ISP if they cancelled their contract on their own. What would happen if @wifi-versterkers-20feb  decided to cancel and not subscribe with any other ISP? Who would tell KPN to deactivate the service in that case when there is no new ISP?

@wifi-versterkers-20feb  When you submitted your cancellation notice in January did you inform KPN that the reason is switch to Odido?
Maybe that’s the reason for their weird behavior…

I don’t know, hope you don’t mind all the questions and guess working, I’m trying to understand all of this as much as you do.

@drmr - In the Abonnementsgegevens section I see the following info.




However, in the Persoons- en betaalgegevens -> Correspondentie met KPN section I see that the cancellation email communication is sent to me, which I also attached above. 


  • Topper
  • 10 reacties
  • 10 maart 2024

I agree that it makes perfect logical sense that if you have the confirmation from KPN that your subscription will be cancelled, that it actually gets cancelled. In my case, it took me two months to notice it wasn’t.

In your “correspondentie met KPN” section you will have one more, the one you’re missing now, which is titled “Je opzegging is verwerkt” once they actually cancel it. I know this because this was my experience.  And until you have it, invoices won’t stop.

Again, from my experience, you have to get Odido on the call and get them to push KPN to cancel it. I am not aware of any other way. Maybe Odido didn’t even activate your subscription either. Do you have the March invoice from Odido?

Moderators here told me that I should just wait for back offices to coordinate, but I found out that nobody actually did anything until I made multiple calls to Odido. Three I believe. Maybe one will be enough for you. It really depends on the person you reach, how willing they are.

As far as why KPN insists on getting info from Odido in your case when you opted for canceling the subscription yourself. I am baffled. In any case, I see you have “overstap naar je nieuwe aanbieder” which must be the reason.

In my case I had the overstap service, in your case you informed them of your new provider and they just behaved the same in both cases. Waited to coordinate with Odido and the coordination failed.

@drmr  When I do whoismyisp , the result is T mobile which means Odido has started it's services. Also in mijn KPN I don't see any Ip address details it means internet from Kpn is also stopped. 

  • Topper
  • 10 reacties
  • 10 maart 2024

I know it’s compelling to use the fact that your internet connection to KPN was cancelled and connection to Odido is up and running. But cancelling invoices is a completely different world from cancelling the actual internet connection.

I know that this makes little sense, why would the two be separated, but, again, from my experience, both KPN an Odido separated it. You can have a perfectly working internet with Odido and still not receive any invoices from Odido as well as have months of no internet from KPN but receive invoices for that non-existing connection.

Worst part is probably that the customer support has no idea of the actual state of the internet connection. Customer support people see, on their screen, the same thing you see on your mijnKPN and they conclude that you are still on their internet which, as you proved yourself is not true. But there is nothing they can do about it. They don’t have access to any other tools then those they already use. As a consequence you can’t argue to them the fact that contradicts what they see on their screens. Or to moderators here. They will also say you are still on their connection.

Again, it don’t matter, we know that you’re not, but that won’t stop invoicing. The only thing that will, is Odido.

Sanne van KPN
  • Moderator
  • 7493 reacties
  • Antwoord
  • 10 maart 2024

Hi @wifi-versterkers-20feb and welcome to our forum! 

If you’ve received a confirmation of cancelling your services then they should be cancelled. Our customer service should be able to see this as well, so my advise is to call us on 0800-0402 on business days between 8:00 - 18:00 and on Saturdays between 8:00 - 17:00. 
Tell the automated menu that you want to cancel your subscription (‘opzeggen’) and you should be automatically connected to the department that does cancellations. They’re the only ones allowed to cancel contracts.

Hopefully they'll be able to cancel it quickly! 

@Sanne van KPN I did call them on Friday and you can read their response in the original post. 

@Sanne van KPN @drmr I called KPN today and finally I received cancellation email with subject Je opzegging is verwerkt

I think I don't need to contact KPN again.

Sanne van KPN

Yes! I checked and there's no longer an active subscription on your address, so the cancellation has been processed. 😄